
"The APMA has been working together with the Alliance in advocating for access and quality care for wound care patients, coding and reimbursement issues affecting the practice of wound care, and educating our legislators, government and private agencies on regulatory issues affecting the practice of wound care."
--DrLarry Santi, American Podiatric Medical Association

“Being an active member of the Alliance is a phenomenal way to get a vitally important message across about how we educate our colleagues, payers, and the government to empower change which focuses on patient outcomes.”
--Dr. Mark Melin, American Board of Wound Medicine and Surgery 
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“The opportunity to serve the Alliance has been crucial to my professional and personal development. Through my involvement in the Alliance, I learned about interacting with Medicare, how to read and interpret healthcare policies, how to identify the specific individuals at CMS who need to be involved in “fixing” problematic language, preparing and implementing successful meetings with regulatory bodies, the importance of documenting activities and messaging, the right way to create written comments, how to interact with the FDA strategically- I can keep going. I can’t imagine where I’d be if it hadn’t been for this experience. It’s helped every part of my career in ways I could not have imagined.”
--Dr. Caroline Fife, Chief Medical Officer, Intellicure, LLC, Former Alliance Co-Chair

"The Alliance is an amazing group to marry industries and societies. It represents so many important topics. There is really no other body that assembles that type of talent and ability in such a proactive way."
--John Steinberg, DPM, Georgetown University School of Medicine
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"The Alliance is a powerful voice with government and with private payers. They thoroughly evaluate proposed medical policies, they get back with sound evidence-based responses and recommendations. They're far more effective than any of us could be on our own in the wound care space."
--Dr. Stephen Daugherty, American Vein & Lymphatic Society
"The ultimate goal of the Alliance is patient access to quality care and therapies. Having a third part to pull us all (clinician and industry) together has been very beneficial.... they don't take no for an answer, they will continue to push for change."
--Yesenia Banks, Senior Manager US Reimbursement and Healthcare Policy, 3M 
"The Alliance helps our organization to understand the impact of changes in governmental payment and coverage policies. Over the years, the Alliance has advocated for clinicians and manufacturers, bringing a respected and credible voice to regulators and policy makers. The Alliance somehow always seems to be the first to know and never hesitates to provide a heads up on what this may mean to our organization. They make our jobs much more tenable, helping us break down complex regulatory language so that we can make informed decisions about our products."
--Bud Brame, VP of Corporate Reimbursement, LifeNet Health 
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"What the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders is doing is absolutely essential for the progress and success of wound care moving forward and I am so proud of the way they use evidence and our evidence-based guidelines to move forward." 
--Laura Bolton, Association for the Advancement of Wound Care
"It has been our privilege and pleasure to participate in the Alliance because it brings together clinicians and providers of other services in a way that is unprecedented. With the Alliance, we can have open discussions on a variety of topics and work collaboratively to improve the care of our patients."
--Dr. Helen Gelly, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society 
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"The Alliance is a respected and clinical voice to regulators and policymakers, which helps our work at the Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society with the power of a collective voice."
-- Kelly Jaszarowski, WOCN
"We know our voice is louder when we share it with our inter-professional colleagues--physicians, surgeons, nurses, podiatrists, manufacturers, clinics—when we are all saying the same thing, fighting together to get our patients the care that they need. We know we are stronger when working together with the Alliance than apart."
--Renee Cordrey, American Physical Therapy Association
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