A clinical multidisciplinary trade association, the Alliance has multiple categories of membership, as highlighted below. 

Clinical Association Members

This membership category includes clinical, physician and patient associations or organizations that provide voluntary financial support or in-kind contribution to the Alliance. They have the power and authority to vote on the Alliance’s work plan and on the Alliance’s substantive policy positions.

Non-Clinical Association Members

This membership category includes non-clinical organizations that support the Alliance by providing comments and suggestions to the Alliance’s work plan and the Alliance’s substantive policy positions but do not have voting rights. They also provide financial support to the Alliance.

Business Entity and Support Business Entity Members 

This membership category includes wound care business entities such as manufacturers, distributors and suppliers, as well as support business entities such as wound center management companies and provider services that conduct wound care billing. These organizations  have a compelling interest in the treatment of patients with wounds and provide financial support to the Alliance. They provide comments and suggestions to the work plan and in policy positions, but do not have voting rights. 

Hospital Operated wound care Clinics

  Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center at Piedmont Atlanta 

clinical wound care provider Groups

Heal Precisely 
Indiana Foot & Ankle 
LiveStrong Therapy 
Omni Wound Physicians
Personic Health
Renovo Wound and Hyperbarics
Restore First Health
United Wound Healing 
The Wound Pros 
Wyoming Wound Care

This membership category includes businesses providing direct face to face patient care (e.g., MDs, DPMs, NPs, RNs, etc.)

Professional Services Firms: Associate Membership

The Frank & Lizzie Show
GR Consulting
Kathleen D. Schaum & Assoc. Inc. 
MedTech Solutions Group
Shoreline Medical Administration

This membership category includes professional service firms such as: law firms, research firms, health economics and policy consulting firms, market research, wound care publications, clinical trial companies, and investment companies that support the wound care industry.

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